443 documents
Unless otherwise specified, the descriptions of sources in this section are extracted from Pierre-Etienne Will and collaborators, Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography, 2 vols., Leiden: Brill, 2020
354/443 results        
TitleXinguan daoren yizhu 新官到任儀注 [Rituals for New Officials Assuming their Posts, with Notes]
Topic4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
Historical periodLate Ming (1585-1644)
CollectionGuanzhen shu jicheng 官箴書集成
Number of volume1
Publication typeWoodblock
CommentRem.: This work had its origin in the Hongwu period (1368-1398) and probably was an official compilation that draw from such official treatises as the Hongwu lizhi 洪武禮制, the Hongwu guanzhi 洪武官制 (or Da Ming 大明 guanzhi) and the Da Ming jili 大明集禮 compiled in the Jiajing period. (This is suggested by a 1433 memorial preserved in the Xuanzong Veritable Records, 21/2300, and by the caption at the beginning of the 1629 ed., Shengchao qinding gexiang 聖朝欽定各項 Xinguan daoren yizhu.) There are 20 entries, plus 6 of shiyi 拾遺 and one as supplement (fulu). They are all very detailed and precise, with diagrams showing the placing of the persons and objects involved in the rituals, lists of sacrificial foods, texts to be read and sung, dances to be performed, etc. Contents include the rituals to follow when reading an imperial edict in the provinces, to celebrate the emperor’s birthday and other such occasions, to convene the rural banquets (xiangyinjiu 鄉飲酒), and all the cults and sacrifices of state religion. Only entry 19 deals with the rituals of assuming power for new local officials. Entry 20 is on the official dress of civilian and military officials of each rank. The shiyi features texts of placards (bangwen 榜文) for certain festivals and prayers (zhuwen 祝文) on the occasion of leaving one’s post. The supplement, entitled “Shangren xuanze riqi fa” 上任選擇日期法, is an almanach indicating how to calculate auspicious days by the new official. The (Qinding) Gexiang yizhu bianlan listed in Guantu zijian (q.v.) and attributed to Wu Zun 吳遵 probably contain similar materials.
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