A compilation of model judgments in parallel prose, arranged according to the six government categories of the Penal Code, excluding “General Notions” (名例律). Each entry is put under the title of the relevant statute. The content of the Code is unevenly covered, with only 142 statutes quoted (out of 460), all listed in the mulu; for example, the “Justice” part (刑律) has only statutes from its eleventh and last section, viz. “Judgment and imprisonment” (斷獄). As in Canshen manlu and Xinzuan siliu yanyu (qq.v.), notes are inserted in the text to explain the literary and historical allusions. The same (or similar) model judgments, sometimes simply called panyu, are found in the upper register of the page in several late-Ming editions of the Penal Code with additional materials (see under section 4.1.1).