ID   | Title   | Year   | Author   | Topic   |
491 | (Qinban) Zhouxian shiyi 欽頒州縣事宜 [Advice for Magistrates Published by Imperial Order] | | Tian Wenjing 田文鏡 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
352 | Bucha minshi xiguan baogao shu
[Complement of the Report of the Custom of Civil Matters] | | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
353 | Diaocha chuansheng jingcha xingzheng yanxi libi baogao shu (xia pian)
調查川省警察行政沿習利弊報告書 (下篇)
| | Survey Bureau in Sichuan province 四川調查局 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
350 | Diaocha chuansheng minshi xiguan baogao shu
Report of Surveys on Custom of Civil Matters in Sichuan
| | Zhou Fengyi (report)surveyor of the Survey Bureau in Sichuan province 四川調查局調查員周鳳翊報告
Ma Hemming (ed.)the first division of the judicial system of the Survey Bureau in Sichuan province 四川調查局法制科第一股馬龢鳴編 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
354 | Diaocha chuansheng susong xiguan baogao shu
| | Li Guangzhu(ed.), the first division of judicial system of the Survey Bureau in Sichuan province
四川調查局法制科第一股股員 李光珠編輯
| 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
351 | Diaocha Sichuan sheng minshi xiguan di’er ci baogao shu
Report of the Second Surveys on Custom of Civil Matters in Sichuan
| | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
250 | Difang shenshi banshi xiguan baogao shu
Report on the Custom of the Organization of Local Gentry
| | Survey Bureau in Shanxi province 山西省調查局 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
573 | Dongsheng tongchi 東省通飭 | | Anonymous | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
452 | Fujian shengli 福建省例 [Provincial Regulations of Fujian] | | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
185 | He Nan jianyu zhi gao 河南監獄志稿 | | Wan Ziyi 萬自逸 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
248 | Hubei diaocha ju fazhi ke diyi ci diaocha gemu
[Items of the First Survey by the Judicial Department of the Survey Bureau in Hubei Province]
| | Survey Bureau in Hubei province 湖北省調查局 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
247 | Hunan diaocha minqing fengsu gelei wenti 湖南調查民情風俗各類問題 [Questionnaires of Minqing Fengsu Surveys in Hunan Province] | | Survey Bureau in Hunan province 湖南省調查局 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
207 | Hunan shengli cheng’an 湖南省例成案 [Provincial Regulations and Leading Cases of Hunan Province] | | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
562 | Jiangsu shengli 江蘇省例 [Provincial Regulations of Jiangsu] | | Anonymous | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
263 | Lianghuai yanfazhi 兩淮鹽法志 | 1748 | Wang Shiqiu 王世球 etc.(comp.) | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
349 | Minshi xiguan baogao shu
Report of Custom of Civil Matters
| | Division of property of the Survey Bureau in Guangxi province 廣西調查局財產部 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
357 | Minshi xiguan diaocha baogao lu 民事習慣調查報告錄
Collection of Reports of Custom Surveys on Civil Matters
| 1998 | Qian Nanjing guomin zhengfu sifa xingzheng bu (ed.); Hu Xucheng, Xia Xinhua, Li Jiaofa (punctuate & proofread) 前南京國民政府司法行政部編;胡旭晟,夏新華,李交發點校 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
356 | Pudi quan yao lun
Brief Discussion on the Right of Pawn over Commercial Property
| 1942 | Ni Baosen 倪寶森 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
258 | Shaanxi xi'anfu zaoju beifu suoshu dianzhiguo Guangxu sanshier nian 陝西西安府造具卑府所屬墊支過光緒參拾貳年 | 1906 | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
252 | Shandong diaocha ju gongdu luyao chubian (shang, xiace)
山東調查局公牘錄要初編 (上、下冊)
First Collection of Official Documents of the Survey Bureau in Shandong Province
| | Survey Bureau in Shandong province 山东调查局 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
570 | Shandong jiaodai zhangcheng 山東交代章程 | | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
208 | Shanghai: its mixed court and council | | A. M Kotenev | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
262 | Shanxi ganzhou zhili zhougao ju zhoushu zhiguo difan kouliang qianwen baoxiaoce 陝西乾州直隸州告具州屬支過遞犯口糧錢文報銷冊 | 1905 | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
251 | Shanxi min shangshi xiguan diaocha hui baogao (disi qi, diwu qi, diliu qi, diqi qi, di sanshier qi)
山西民商事習慣調查會報告(第四,五,六,七,三十二期)Reports on Civil and Commercial Customs (4,5,6,7,32) | | Institute of civil and commercial custom survey in Shanxi province
| 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
256 | Shanxi xianfu zaoju suoshu xianning deng zhouxian guangxu sanshi nian 陝西西安府造具所屬咸甯等州縣光緒參拾年 | 1904 | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
259 | Shanxi xianfu zaolai suoshu xuantong yuannian 陝西西安府造賚所屬宣統元年 | 1909 | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
253 | Sichuan buzhengshisi sichuan anchashisi chenglai bulu guangxu ershier nian 四川布政使司四川按察使司呈賚補錄光緒貳拾貳年 | 1896 | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
254 | Sichuan buzhengshisi sichuan anchashisi chenglai bulu guangxu ershier nian 四川布政使司四川按察使司呈賚補錄光緒貳拾貳年 | 1896 | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
255 | Sichuan buzhengshisi sichuan anchashisi chenglai bulu guangxu ershisan nian 四川布政使司四川按察使司呈賚補錄光緒貳拾參年 | 1897 | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
355 | Sichuan diaocha ju fazhi ke diyi gu diaocha wenti ce
Fascicle of Questionnaires of the First Division of the Judicial System of the Survey Bureau in Sichuan
| | The first division of the judicial system of the survey bureau in Sichuan province 四川調查局法制科第一股 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
568 | Sichuan tongchi zhangcheng 四川通飭章程 [Sichuan Regulations Circulated by Order] | | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
202 | Sichuan tongchi zhangcheng 四川通飭章程 [Sichuan Regulations Circulated by Order] | 1901 | Zhong Qingxi 鍾慶熙 (ed.) | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
572 | Sienfu xinbian baojia shiyi 思恩府新編保甲事宜 | | Li Yanzhang 李彥章 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
558 | Taiwan sifa renshi bian 臺灣私法人事編 | | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
557 | Taiwan sifa shangshi bian 臺灣私法商事編 | | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
559 | Taiwan sifa wuquanbian 臺灣私法物權編 | | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
486 | Taiwan sifa zhaiquan bian 臺灣私法債權 | | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
650 | The Commercial Law Affecting Chinese. With Special Reference to Partnership Registration and Bankrupcy Laws in Hongkong | 1882 | Anonymous | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
200 | Yuedong shengli xinzuan 粵東省例新纂 [Provincial Regulations of Guangdong, New Compilation] | | comp. Huang Enzheng 黃恩正 | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
137 | Yulintuce 魚鱗圖冊 (Fish scale registers, Kangxi era) | | | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
348 | Zhejiang min shangshi xiguan diaocha hui diyi ci baogao
The First Report on Civil and Commercial Custom
| | Institute of civil and commercial custom survey in Zhejiang province
| 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
521 | Zhi Zhe chenggui 治浙成規 [Established Rules for Governing Zhejiang] | | Anonymous | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
563 | Zhi Zhe chenggui 治浙成規 [Established Rules for Governing Zhejiang] | | Anonymous | 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
346 | Zhili min shangshi xiguan diaocha hui diyi qi baogao
First Fascicle of the Reports on Civil and Commercial Custom
| | Institute of civil and commercial custom survey in Zhili
| 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |
347 | Zhili min shangshi xiguan diaocha hui di’er qi baogao
Second Fascicle of the Reports on Civil and Commercial Custom
| | Institute of civil and commercial custom survey in Zhili
| 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations |