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Unless otherwise specified, the descriptions of sources in this section are extracted from Pierre-Etienne Will and collaborators, Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography, 2 vols., Leiden: Brill, 2020
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ID Title Year Author Topic 
39Xingfa xulüe 刑法敘略Liu Yun, 劉筠4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
501Xingmu yaolüe 刑幕要略 [Essentials for Legal Secretaries]Anonymous4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
40Xingshu shiming 刑書釋名Wang jian, 王鍵4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
471Xinguan daoren yizhu 新官到任儀注 [Rituals for New Officials Assuming their Posts, with Notes]Anonymous4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
472Xinguan guifan 新官軌範 [Guidelines for New Officials]Anonymous4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
339Xinke fabi jingtian lei 新刻法筆驚天雷Anonymous4.3 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for Pettifoggers (songshi 訟師)
343Xinke fabi jingtian lei 新刻法筆驚天雷Anonymous4.3 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for Pettifoggers (songshi 訟師)
344Xinke fabi jingtian lei 新刻法筆驚天雷Anonymous4.3 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for Pettifoggers (songshi 訟師)
359Xinke fabi tianyou 新刻法筆天油 [The Heavenly Glossiness of the Legalist’s Brush, Newly Published]Anonymous4.3 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for Pettifoggers (songshi 訟師)
226Xinqie falin jinjian lu 新鍥法林金鑒錄1594Anonymous4.3 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for Pettifoggers (songshi 訟師)
393Xiyuan huibian 洗冤彙編 [A Collection of the Washing Away of Wrongs]Lang Tingdong 郎廷棟 (comp.)(集述); Yang Chaolin 楊朝麟 (ed.)(重訂)4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
397Xiyuan lu bianzheng 洗冤錄辨正 [Corrections of Errors in The Washing Away of Wrongs]Qu Zhongrong 瞿中溶4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
140Xiyuan lu biao 洗冤錄表 [Tables Representing The Washing Away of Wrongs]Zeng Hengde 曾恒德 (comp.)(編次) 4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
398Xiyuan lu jie 洗冤錄解 [Explication of The Washing Away of Wrongs]Yao Deyu 姚德豫4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
400Xiyuan lu xiangyi 洗冤錄詳義 [Explanation of the Meaning of The Washing Away the Wrongs]1883Xu Lian 許槤 (comp.)4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
403Xiyuan lu xiangyi 洗冤錄詳義 [Explanation of the Meaning of Washing Away the Wrongs]1887Xu Lian 許槤(comp.)4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
371Xu qiu bian 恤囚編 [Pitying prosoners]1880Zhou Fu 周馥(comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
408Xu qiu bian 恤囚編 [Pitying prosoners]1880Zhou Fu 周馥(comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
509Xu zuozhi yaoyan 續佐治藥言 [A Sequel to Prescriptions of Aiding Government]Wang Huizu 汪輝祖 4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
496Xueshi yigui bubian 學仕遺規補編 [Supplement to Inherited Guidelines on Learning to Be an Official]Chen Hongmou 陳宏謀 (comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
495Xueshi yigui 學仕遺規 [Inherited Guidelines on Learning to be an Official]Chen Hongmou 陳宏謀 (comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
547Xuezhi shiduan 學治識端 [Clues for Learning Government]Xu Shouzi 徐壽茲4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
507Xuezhi shuozhui 學治說贅 [Iterations on Personal Views on Learning Government]Wang Huizu 汪輝祖4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
506Xuezhi xushuo 學治續說 [A Sequel to Personal Views on Learning Government]Wang Huizu 汪輝祖4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
522Xuezhi yide bian 學治一得編 [Attainments Gained in Studying Government]He Gengsheng 何耿繩4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
505Xuezhi yishuo 學治臆說 [Personal Views on Learning Government]Wang Huizu 汪輝祖4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
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