443 documents
Unless otherwise specified, the descriptions of sources in this section are extracted from Pierre-Etienne Will and collaborators, Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography, 2 vols., Leiden: Brill, 2020
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TitleYunjian yanlue 雲間讞略 [A Brief Account of Judgments in Songjiang]
Topic2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
Historical periodEarly Qing (1644-1796)
Reprint (year of)2005
AuthorMao Yilu 毛一鷺
CollectionLidai panli pandu 歷代判例判牘
Number of volume3
Place of publication北京
Publication typePrint

An anthology of “court findings” always introduced with the words “We found that” (審得)—except in j. 10, composed of more diverse documents—written by the author while prefectural judge (推官) in Songjiang 松江 (Nan Zhili) and acting magistrate of Huating 華亭 and Qingpu 青蒲, in the same prefecture. (Yunjian is a literary name for the Songjiang area.) According to the mulu there were originally 321 cases, of which 171—or 183 according to Jiang and Wu (see below)—remain in the extant portion. Most were remanded to Mao by higher officials, including the grand coordinator, the regional inspector, and all the local cicuit officials, because of his reputation as a judge. They concern every sort of crime. Each entry is captioned with a characterization of the crime, followed by an indication of the superior official to whom the case was reported as well as the name and county of residence of the criminal or accuser. The answers of the superior offices are recorded in about 50 entries. The majority of cases concern Songjiang people, but there are also a few from other areas, such as Suzhou 蘇州, Wujiang 吳江, Jiading 嘉定, Yixing 宜興, Wujin 武進, and local military offices. The last juan contains Mao’s communications with his superiors, including suggestions for reform; they concern problems such as as clerical corruption in granaries and storehouses, manipulations by the clerk in charge of all calculations (總書), abuses by local students (生員), the condition of prisoners in cold weather, women’s involvement in legal cases, and local officials reporting tax collection as completed when it is still ongoing (this last communication written in Huating). The final pages, with five additional communications, are missing. According to Jiang and Wu, Yunjian yanlüe was published during the 1610s or early 1620s; the latest case recorded is from 1608.

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