門第一 | Jisi 祭祀 (Sacrifices)
律/lü 176 | Jixiang 祭享 (Sacrifices and Imperial Ancestor Worship)
律/lü 177 | Hui dasi qiutan 毀大祀丘壇 (Destroying Mounds or Altars for Great Sacrifices)
律/lü 178 | Zhiji sidian shenqi 致祭祀典神祇 (Performing Sacrifices to Spirits Recorded in The Sacrificial Canon)
律/lü 179 | Lidai diwang lingqin 歷代帝王陵寢 (The Mausoleums of Rulers of Previous Dynasties)
律/lü 180 | Xiedu shenming 䙝瀆神明 (Profaning the Spirits)
律/lü 181 | Jingzhi shiwu xieshu 禁止師巫邪術 (Prohibiting Sorcery of Wizards and Witches)
[view entire text]
Table of content
Xu 序
Zongmu yu mulu 總目與目錄
Banben ximu 版本細目
Zhutu 諸圖
Sangfu zhidu 喪服制度
Fulu 附錄
Zhengwen 正文
第一部 | Mingli lü 名例律
第二部 | Li lü 吏律
第三部 | Hu lü 戶律
第四部 | Li lü 禮律
第五部 | Bing lü 兵律
第六部 | Xing lü 刑律
第七部 | Gong lü 工律
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→ bookname
→ personname
Resources on Chinese legal tradition
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Lingchi sentences
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Ming and Qing codes with translations
Ming Code
Da Ming lü jijie fuli 1610 /all
Qing Code
Da Qing lü jijie fuli 1646 /all
Xingbu xianxing zeli 1680 /all
Da Qing lüli 1740 /all
Da Qing lüli 1871 /all
Huidian shili-Xingbu part 1899 /all
Da Qing lüli-Duli cunyi 1905 /all
Virtual Synoptical Code
overview | code
Mongolian code
1667, 1695, 1749, 1764, 1766, 1774, 1789
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Legal studies 2011/2012
Household and Obligations” Translation Workshop
Procedure Law, Evidence and the Practice of Torture
Da Qing lüli Household part (大清律例,户部)
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