門第52 | Biyin lütiao 比引律條
律/lü 1 | 比-01
律/lü 2 | 比-02
律/lü 3 | 比-03
律/lü 4 | 比-04
律/lü 5 | 比-05
律/lü 6 | 比-06
律/lü 7 | 比-07
律/lü 8 | 比-08
律/lü 9 | 比-09
律/lü 10 | 比-10
律/lü 11 | 比-11
律/lü 12 | 比-12
律/lü 13 | 比-13
律/lü 14 | 比-14
律/lü 15 | 比-15
律/lü 16 | 比-16
律/lü 17 | 比-17
律/lü 18 | 比-18
律/lü 19 | 比-19
律/lü 20 | 比-20
律/lü 21 | 比-21
律/lü 22 | 比-22
律/lü 23 | 比-23
律/lü 24 | 比-24
律/lü 25 | 比-25
律/lü 26 | 比-26
律/lü 27 | 比-27
律/lü 28 | 比-28
律/lü 29 | 比-29
律/lü 30 | 比-30
[view entire text]
Table of content
目錄 | Content
第一部 | Mingli lü名例律
第二部 | Lilü 吏律
第三部 | Hulü 戶律
第四部 | Lilü 禮律
第五部 | Binglü 兵律
第六部 | Xinglü 刑律
第七部 | Gonglü 工律
第八部 | Zonglei總類
第九部 | Dubu zeli督捕則例
→ propername
→ bookname
→ personname
Resources on Chinese legal tradition
All documents
Codes and commentaries
Judicial cases : general, local, historical, archival.
Regulations collections : general, local.
legal handbooks : for magistrate, for legal advisers, for pettifoggers.
Resources on other Asian legal traditions
Exile maps
Lingchi sentences
Regional special law
Ming and Qing codes with translations
Ming Code
Da Ming lü jijie fuli 1610 /all
Qing Code
Da Qing lü jijie fuli 1646 /all
Xingbu xianxing zeli 1680 /all
Da Qing lüli 1740 /all
Da Qing lüli 1871 /all
Huidian shili-Xingbu part 1899 /all
Da Qing lüli-Duli cunyi 1905 /all
Virtual Synoptical Code
overview | code
Mongolian code
1667, 1695, 1749, 1764, 1766, 1774, 1789
Judicial cases data
Case Location (place)
Seminars & workshops
Paris EHESS seminar
Legal studies 2022/2023
Legal studies 2021/2022
Legal studies 2020/2021
Legal studies 2019/2020
Legal studies 2018/2019
Legal studies 2017/2018
Legal studies 2016/2017
Legal studies 2015/2016
Legal studies 2014/2015
Legal studies 2013/2014
Legal studies 2012/2013
Legal studies 2011/2012
Household and Obligations” Translation Workshop
Procedure Law, Evidence and the Practice of Torture
Da Qing lüli Household part (大清律例,户部)
From Code to Cases and reversely