16 documents
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Unless otherwise specified, the descriptions of sources in this section are extracted from Pierre-Etienne Will and collaborators, Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography, 2 vols., Leiden: Brill, 2020
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ID Title Year Author Topic 
32Xingtong fushu 刑統賦疏 [Prose-Poem on the Penal Code, with Commentary]Fu Lin 傅霖, commentary by Shen Zhongwei 沈仲緯,2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
46Zheyu guijian 折獄龜鑑 [Supplement to A Magic Mirror for Solving Cases]Zheng ke 鄭克2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
49Minggong shupan qingming ji 名公書判清明集 [A Collection of Enlightened Judgments by Famous Officials]unknown2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
52Buyongxing shenpanshu 不用刑審判書 [A Book on Avoiding Torture in Trials]1906Wei xiyuan 魏息園2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
65Anxi panji canjuan 安西判集殘卷Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
66Jinwenzhong anli liuze 金文中案例六則Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
67Kaiyuan panli canjuan 開元判例殘卷Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
68Kaiyuan qizhou meixianwei panji canjuan 開元岐州眉縣尉判集殘卷Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
69Longjin fengsui pan 龍筋鳳髓判 [Dragon-Sinews and Phoenix-Marrow Decisions]Zhang zhuo 張鷟2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
70Tangyin bishi 棠蔭比事Gui Wanrong 桂萬榮2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
72Wenming panji canjuan 文明判集殘卷Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
73Wenxian ziliao suozai tang yiqian anli xuanji 文獻資料所載唐以前案例選輯Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
79Tongzhi tiaoge suozai panli 通志條格所載判例Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
132Yuedong cheng’an chubian 粵東成案初編 [A preliminary edition of leading cases from Guangdong]1828Zhu yun 朱枟 (comp.)2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
166Qiu Shen shi yi 秋審事宜2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
629Juguan shenxing lu 居官慎刑錄 [Records of Officials’ Leniency in Administering Justice]1877Liu Gongchen 劉拱宸 (Z. Bo’ai 伯璦)2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
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