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Unless otherwise specified, the descriptions of sources in this section are extracted from Pierre-Etienne Will and collaborators, Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography, 2 vols., Leiden: Brill, 2020
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ID Title Year Author Topic 
625Xiangxing gujian 祥刑古鑑 [An Ancient Mirror of Auspicious Punishments]1864Song Banghui 宋邦僡 (Z. Huiren 惠人)1. Code and commentaries
631Xiangxing jingjie 祥刑經解 [Auspicious punishments by Explanation of the Classics]1798Wang Sheng 往泩 (z:Rongchuan 容川)1. Code and commentaries
626Xiangxing yaolan 祥刑要覽 [Essential Readings for Administering Auspicious Punishments]1442Wu Ne 吳訥 (Z. Minde 敏德, Kemin 克敏, H. Si’an 思庵, S. Wenke 文恪)1. Code and commentaries
115Xing Ming tiaoli 刑名條例17543.1 Regulations collections: general regulations
281Xing Ming tiaoli 刑名條例1779Tongde 同德 and Li Zhiyun 李治運 (ed.)3.1 Regulations collections: general regulations
25Xing'an huilan xubian 刑案匯覽續編 [A Continuation to A Conspectus of Judicial Cases]1871Wu Chao 吳潮 (H. Shuhan 述韓) (js. 1852), from Yizheng 儀徵 (Jiangsu) and He Xiyan 何錫儼 (H. Xiaoyan 小嵒), from Yizheng (Jiangsu),published by Li Baohe 李保和 at Rongcheng 蓉城 (Sichuan), edited (刪訂) by Lan Peiqing 藍佩青 and su2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
223Xing'an huilan 刑案匯覽[A Conspectus of Judicial Cases]1834supervised (參定) by Bao Shuyun 鮑書芸 (Z. Jihan 季涵), from Shexian 歙縣 (Anhui) compiled (編次) by Zhu Qingqi 祝慶祺 (Z. Song’an 松菴), from Guiji 會稽 (Zhejiang) 2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
122Xingbu bizhao jiajian cheng‘an 刑部比照加減成案 [Leading Cases with Increased or Decreased Sentences Decided by Analogy at the Ministry of Justice]ed. (同訂) by Xu Lian 許槤 (Z. Shuxia 叔夏, H. Shanlin 刪林, 珊林) (js. 1833), from Haining 海寧 (Zhejiang), and Xiong E 熊莪 (Z. Bichen 璧臣), from Tianmen 天門 (Hubei)2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
314Xingbu gesi zhongqiu zhaoce 刑部各司重囚招冊2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
315Xingbu gesi zhongqiu zhaoce 刑部各司重囚招冊2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
312Xingbu Jiangnansi zhongqiu zhaoce 刑部江南司重囚招冊17362.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
287Xingbu shuotie jieyao 刑部說帖揭要 [An Anthology of Ministry of Justice Memoranda]Hu Tiaoyuan 胡調元 (Z. Xieqing 燮卿) (comp.)2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
135Xingbu shuotie 刑部說帖 [Memoranda from the Ministry of Justice]Anonymous 軼名2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
123Xingbu suhotie jieyao 刑部說帖揭要 [An Anthology of Memoranda of the Ministry of Justice]Hu Xieqing 胡燮卿2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
195Xingbu xianxing zeli 刑部現行則例[Regulations of the Board of Punishment currently in force]16803.1 Regulations collections: general regulations
317Xingbu zhili ge sheng zhong qiu zhao ce 刑部直隸各省重囚招冊 [Ministry of Justice Reports on Serious Criminals from All the Provinces]2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
316Xingbu zhili gesheng zhongqiu zhaoce 刑部直隸各省重囚招冊18892.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
313Xingbu zhilisi zhongqiu zhaoce 刑部直隸司重囚招冊17852.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
311Xingbu zhongqiu zhaoce 刑部重囚招冊2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
39Xingfa xulüe 刑法敘略Liu Yun, 劉筠4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
501Xingmu yaolüe 刑幕要略 [Essentials for Legal Secretaries]Anonymous4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
64Xingshi ming’an kaican 刑事命案開參 [Impeachments Involving Homicide Cases]Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
40Xingshu shiming 刑書釋名Wang jian, 王鍵4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
16Xingtong fujie 刑統賦解 [Prose-Poem on the Penal Code, with Explanations]Fu Lin 傅霖, commentaries by Mr. Xu 徐氏,1. Code and commentaries
32Xingtong fushu 刑統賦疏 [Prose-Poem on the Penal Code, with Commentary]Fu Lin 傅霖, commentary by Shen Zhongwei 沈仲緯,2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
471Xinguan daoren yizhu 新官到任儀注 [Rituals for New Officials Assuming their Posts, with Notes]Anonymous4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
472Xinguan guifan 新官軌範 [Guidelines for New Officials]Anonymous4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
339Xinke fabi jingtian lei 新刻法筆驚天雷Anonymous4.3 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for Pettifoggers (songshi 訟師)
343Xinke fabi jingtian lei 新刻法筆驚天雷Anonymous4.3 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for Pettifoggers (songshi 訟師)
344Xinke fabi jingtian lei 新刻法筆驚天雷Anonymous4.3 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for Pettifoggers (songshi 訟師)
359Xinke fabi tianyou 新刻法筆天油 [The Heavenly Glossiness of the Legalist’s Brush, Newly Published]Anonymous4.3 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for Pettifoggers (songshi 訟師)
226Xinqie falin jinjian lu 新鍥法林金鑒錄1594Anonymous4.3 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for Pettifoggers (songshi 訟師)
374Xinzeng Cheng’an suojian ji 新增成案所見集[A Collection of Leading Cases Which I Have Seen]1793Ma Shilin 馬世璘 ; Xie Kui 謝奎 ; Wang Youhuai 王又槐 (comp.)2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
88Xinzuan Siliu helü panyu 新纂四六合律判語 [Judgments in Six-Four Parallel Sentences, Arranged According to the Code]Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
358Xiuding falu guan bianding min shang gelu zhaozhang paiyuan fen gesheng diaocha yuanzou修訂法律館編訂民商各律照章派員分各省調查原奏1910Shen Jiaben, Yu Liansan 沈家本,俞廉三3.1 Regulations collections: general regulations
393Xiyuan huibian 洗冤彙編 [A Collection of the Washing Away of Wrongs]Lang Tingdong 郎廷棟 (comp.)(集述); Yang Chaolin 楊朝麟 (ed.)(重訂)4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
397Xiyuan lu bianzheng 洗冤錄辨正 [Corrections of Errors in The Washing Away of Wrongs]Qu Zhongrong 瞿中溶4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
140Xiyuan lu biao 洗冤錄表 [Tables Representing The Washing Away of Wrongs]Zeng Hengde 曾恒德 (comp.)(編次) 4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
398Xiyuan lu jie 洗冤錄解 [Explication of The Washing Away of Wrongs]Yao Deyu 姚德豫4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
400Xiyuan lu xiangyi 洗冤錄詳義 [Explanation of the Meaning of The Washing Away the Wrongs]1883Xu Lian 許槤 (comp.)4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
403Xiyuan lu xiangyi 洗冤錄詳義 [Explanation of the Meaning of Washing Away the Wrongs]1887Xu Lian 許槤(comp.)4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
371Xu qiu bian 恤囚編 [Pitying prosoners]1880Zhou Fu 周馥(comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
408Xu qiu bian 恤囚編 [Pitying prosoners]1880Zhou Fu 周馥(comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
509Xu zuozhi yaoyan 續佐治藥言 [A Sequel to Prescriptions of Aiding Government]Wang Huizu 汪輝祖 4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
151Xuean chumo 學案初模 [Elementary Models for the Study of Cases]1838Yilibu 伊里布 (Z. Xinnong 莘農) 2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
496Xueshi yigui bubian 學仕遺規補編 [Supplement to Inherited Guidelines on Learning to Be an Official]Chen Hongmou 陳宏謀 (comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
495Xueshi yigui 學仕遺規 [Inherited Guidelines on Learning to be an Official]Chen Hongmou 陳宏謀 (comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
547Xuezhi shiduan 學治識端 [Clues for Learning Government]Xu Shouzi 徐壽茲4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
507Xuezhi shuozhui 學治說贅 [Iterations on Personal Views on Learning Government]Wang Huizu 汪輝祖4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
506Xuezhi xushuo 學治續說 [A Sequel to Personal Views on Learning Government]Wang Huizu 汪輝祖4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
522Xuezhi yide bian 學治一得編 [Attainments Gained in Studying Government]He Gengsheng 何耿繩4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
505Xuezhi yishuo 學治臆說 [Personal Views on Learning Government]Wang Huizu 汪輝祖4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
90Xunci 㽦辭 [Plowing Words]1634Zhang Kentang 張肯堂2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
154Xunfang chu anjian ce 巡防處案件冊2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
333Xunfang shenanchu anjiance 巡防審案處案件冊2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
131Xuzeng boan xinbian 續增駁案新編Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
27Xuzeng Xing'an huilan 續增刑案匯覽1899By Zhu Qingqi 祝慶祺 (Z. Song’an 松菴), 2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
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