36 documents
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Unless otherwise specified, the descriptions of sources in this section are extracted from Pierre-Etienne Will and collaborators, Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography, 2 vols., Leiden: Brill, 2020
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ID Title Year Author Topic 
548Zai Hui jilüe 宰惠紀略 [A Short Account of Governing Huimin]Liu Tang 柳堂4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
497Zaiguan fajie lu 在官法戒錄 [Models and Warnings for Administration Employees]Chen Hongmou 陳宏謀 (comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
155Zengding tongxing tiaoli 增訂通行條例3.1 Regulations collections: general regulations
348Zhejiang min shangshi xiguan diaocha hui diyi ci baogao 浙江民商事習慣調查會第一次報告 The First Report on Civil and Commercial Custom Institute of civil and commercial custom survey in Zhejiang province 浙江民商事習慣調查會 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations
480Zhengxue lu 政學錄 [A Record of Learning about Government]Zheng Duan 鄭端(comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
176Zheyu bianlan 折獄便覽 [A Convenient Handbook on Deciding Cases]Mingshan 明善 (Z. Yuntian 韞田, H. Xizhong 熙仲)2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
46Zheyu guijian 折獄龜鑑 [Supplement to A Magic Mirror for Solving Cases]Zheng ke 鄭克2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
91Zheyu xinyu 折獄新語 [Latest Anecdotes on Judicial Decisions]Li Qing 李清2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
446Zhi Lin gongdu bicun 治臨公牘筆存 [Preserved Drafts of Documents on Administering Lincheng]Wang Guosheng 王國聲
415Zhi Zhe chenggui 治浙成規 [Established Rules for Governing Zhejiang]Anonymous1. Code and commentaries
521Zhi Zhe chenggui 治浙成規 [Established Rules for Governing Zhejiang]Anonymous3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations
563Zhi Zhe chenggui 治浙成規 [Established Rules for Governing Zhejiang]Anonymous3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations
574Zhifu xuzhi 知府須知 [What a Prefect Must Know](Changbai) Yanchang 長白延昌 4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
492Zhijing lu 治鏡錄 [A Mirror of Governance]Zhang Pengge 張鵬翮 4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
346Zhili min shangshi xiguan diaocha hui diyi qi baogao 直隸民商事習慣調查會第一期報告 First Fascicle of the Reports on Civil and Commercial Custom Institute of civil and commercial custom survey in Zhili 直隸民商事習慣調查會 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations
347Zhili min shangshi xiguan diaocha hui di’er qi baogao 直隸民商事習慣調查會第二期報告 Second Fascicle of the Reports on Civil and Commercial Custom Institute of civil and commercial custom survey in Zhili 直隸民商事習慣調查會 3.2 Regulations collections: local regulations
479Zhipu 治譜 [A Treatise on Governance]She Ziqiang 佘自強4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
490Zhi’an wenxian 治安文獻 and Zhi’an wenxian erji 二集 [Documents on Administering and Pacifying, with Second Installment]Lu Shouming 陸壽名 and Han Na 韓訥 (comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
440Zhongguo chuantong falü wenhua cidian 中國傳統法律文化辭典Wu Shuchen 武樹臣1. Code and commentaries
443Zhongguo gudai falü sanbai ti 中國古代法律三百題1991Chen Pengsheng 陈鹏生1. Code and commentaries
442Zhongguo minshi xiguan daquan 中國民事習慣大全Shi Peisheng 施沛生(ed.)3.1 Regulations collections: general regulations
459Zhoulian xulun 晝簾緒論 [An Introduction to Governing While Resting During the Day]Hu Yuqian 胡余潛;Hu Taichu 胡太初 4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
537Zhouxian chushi xiaobu 州縣初仕小補 [Small Help for Beginning Magistrates]Chu Ying 褚瑛 4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
456Zhouxian tigang 州縣提綱 [Basic Notions on Magistrates]Anonymous4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
515Zhouxian xuzhi 州縣須知 [What Magistrates Need to Know]Liu Heng 劉衡 4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
571Zhouxian xuzhi 州縣須知 [What Magistrates Need to Know]Cheng Yan 程炎4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
85Zhuji yumin jiyao 諸暨諭民紀要Ni wangzhong 倪望重4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
240Zhushi suoyan 諸史瑣言Shen Jiaben 沈家本1. Code and commentaries
420Zijing lu 自警錄 [A Record of Staying on One’s Guard]Tang Yingqiu 湯應求 (ed.); Zhu Yun 朱橒 (ed.)2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
514Zizhi guanshu 自治官書[An Official Book on Natural Good Governance]attributed to Liu Heng 劉衡 4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
481Zongzhi Zhe Min wenxi 總制浙閩文檄 [Directives from a Zhejiang-Fujian Governor-General]Liu Zhaoqi 劉兆麒4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
330Zuomu xingming digao 坐幕刑名底稿Anonymous4.2 Magistrates handbooks: Handbooks for legal experts
457Zuoyi zizhen 作邑自箴 [Self-Admonitions for Magistrates]Li Yuanbi 李元弼4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
543Zuoza pu 佐雜譜 [A Handbook forAssistant and Subaltern Officials]Li Gengqian 李庚乾4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
569Zuoza xuzhi 佐雜須知[What Subordinate Officials Must Know]Woniu shanren 臥牛山人(comp.)4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
508Zuozhi yaoyan 佐治藥言 [Prescriptions on Aiding Government]Wang Huizu 汪輝祖4.1 Magistrates handbooks: General
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