7 documents
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Unless otherwise specified, the descriptions of sources in this section are extracted from Pierre-Etienne Will and collaborators, Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography, 2 vols., Leiden: Brill, 2020
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ID Title Year Author Topic 
169Ba Jian xin bian 八姦新編0Yinnan 蔭南2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
58Bizhao anjian 比照案件 Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
124Bo'an chengbian 駁案成編 [A Compilation of Rejected Cases]Hong Bin 洪彬2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
125Bo'an huibian 駁案彙編 [A Combined Collection of Rejected Cases]Zhu Meichen 朱梅臣2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
194Bo'an xinbian 駁案新編 [A New Collection of Rejected Cases]1781Quan Shichao 全士潮 2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
126Bo'an xubian 駁案續編 [A Further Collection of Rejected Cases]Sang Cunrong 桑春榮2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
52Buyongxing shenpanshu 不用刑審判書 [A Book on Avoiding Torture in Trials]1906Wei xiyuan 魏息園2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
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