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Unless otherwise specified, the descriptions of sources in this section are extracted from Pierre-Etienne Will and collaborators, Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography, 2 vols., Leiden: Brill, 2020
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ID Title Year Author Topic 
25Xing'an huilan xubian 刑案匯覽續編 [A Continuation to A Conspectus of Judicial Cases]1871Wu Chao 吳潮 (H. Shuhan 述韓) (js. 1852), from Yizheng 儀徵 (Jiangsu) and He Xiyan 何錫儼 (H. Xiaoyan 小嵒), from Yizheng (Jiangsu),published by Li Baohe 李保和 at Rongcheng 蓉城 (Sichuan), edited (刪訂) by Lan Peiqing 藍佩青 and su2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
27Xuzeng Xing'an huilan 續增刑案匯覽1899By Zhu Qingqi 祝慶祺 (Z. Song’an 松菴), 2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
32Xingtong fushu 刑統賦疏 [Prose-Poem on the Penal Code, with Commentary]Fu Lin 傅霖, commentary by Shen Zhongwei 沈仲緯,2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
46Zheyu guijian 折獄龜鑑 [Supplement to A Magic Mirror for Solving Cases]Zheng ke 鄭克2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
47Fanshan pipan 樊山批判 [Answers and Judgments by Fan Zengxiang]Fan zengxiang 樊增祥2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
48Puyang yandu 莆陽讞牘 [Judgments and Decisions from Xinghua]Qi jia biao, 祁彪佳2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
49Minggong shupan qingming ji 名公書判清明集 [A Collection of Enlightened Judgments by Famous Officials]unknown2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
50Lidai pandu huiji 歷代判牘匯記Zhao youban 趙幼班2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
51Sanyi zhilue 三邑治略 [A Brief Account of Governance in Three Counties]Xiong bin 熊賓2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
52Buyongxing shenpanshu 不用刑審判書 [A Book on Avoiding Torture in Trials]1906Wei xiyuan 魏息園2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
53Tingsong hui'an 聽訟匯案津阪孝绰2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
54Jiting cao 棘聽草 [Drafts from Hearings under the Jujube Tree] 1654Li zhifang 李之芳2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
57Weinengxin lu 未能信錄 [A Record on Not Being Able to Trust Oneself]Zhang wuwei 張五緯2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
58Bizhao anjian 比照案件 Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
59Fengxing lu 風行錄 [A Record of Propagating Virtue]1813Zhang Wuwei 張五緯2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
60Jiangsu cheng'an 江蘇成案 [Leading Cases from Jiangsu]Shen zhanlin 沈沾霖2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
61Gesheng xingbu an 各省刑部案 [Cases Referred to the Ministry of Justice by the Various Provinces]Anonymous2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
64Xingshi ming’an kaican 刑事命案開參 [Impeachments Involving Homicide Cases]Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
65Anxi panji canjuan 安西判集殘卷Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
66Jinwenzhong anli liuze 金文中案例六則Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
67Kaiyuan panli canjuan 開元判例殘卷Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
68Kaiyuan qizhou meixianwei panji canjuan 開元岐州眉縣尉判集殘卷Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
69Longjin fengsui pan 龍筋鳳髓判 [Dragon-Sinews and Phoenix-Marrow Decisions]Zhang zhuo 張鷟2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
70Tangyin bishi 棠蔭比事Gui Wanrong 桂萬榮2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
71Tangyin bishi xubian 棠蔭比事續編Wu Ne 吳訥2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
72Wenming panji canjuan 文明判集殘卷Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
73Wenxian ziliao suozai tang yiqian anli xuanji 文獻資料所載唐以前案例選輯Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
77Ming dagao suozai panli 明大誥所載判例Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
78Sichuan difang sifa dang'an 四川地方司法檔案Anonymous2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
79Tongzhi tiaoge suozai panli 通志條格所載判例Anonymous2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
81Yunjian yanlue 雲間讞略 [A Brief Account of Judgments in Songjiang]Mao Yilu 毛一鷺 2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
83Panyu lucun 判語錄存 [Preserved Records of Judgments]Li Jun 李鈞2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
84Sixi zhai jueshi 四西齋決事 [Decisions from the Four-West Studio]Sun Dinglie 孫鼎烈 2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
86An Wu qinshen xigao 按吳親審檄稿 [Draft Opinions from Cases Personally Tried as Regional Inspector of the Wu Region]0Qi Biaojia 祁彪佳2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
88Xinzuan Siliu helü panyu 新纂四六合律判語 [Judgments in Six-Four Parallel Sentences, Arranged According to the Code]Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
89[Xinzuan] Siliu yanyu 新纂四六讞語 [Judgments in Six-Four Parallel Sentences]Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
90Xunci 㽦辭 [Plowing Words]1634Zhang Kentang 張肯堂2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
91Zheyu xinyu 折獄新語 [Latest Anecdotes on Judicial Decisions]Li Qing 李清2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
92Chongke shiyin canshen pibo siyu huotao 重刻釋音參審批駁四語活套Xiao liangban 蕭良泮2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
109Nei Ding lüli gaoben 內訂律例稿本Shen Jiaben 沈家本2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
112Cheng An huibian 成案彙編 [A Compilation of Leading Cases]Yaerhashan 雅爾哈善2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
113Li'an xuzeng xinbian 例案續增新編Shen Rutun 沈如焞2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
117Da Qing lüli xinbian 大清律例新编 [Lü Xue xinbian 律學新編]Yang Shixiang 楊士驤2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
118Li xue xinbian 例學新編Yang Shixiang 楊士驤2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
120Shuotie 說帖 [Ministry Memoranda]0Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
122Xingbu bizhao jiajian cheng‘an 刑部比照加減成案 [Leading Cases with Increased or Decreased Sentences Decided by Analogy at the Ministry of Justice]ed. (同訂) by Xu Lian 許槤 (Z. Shuxia 叔夏, H. Shanlin 刪林, 珊林) (js. 1833), from Haining 海寧 (Zhejiang), and Xiong E 熊莪 (Z. Bichen 璧臣), from Tianmen 天門 (Hubei)2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
123Xingbu suhotie jieyao 刑部說帖揭要 [An Anthology of Memoranda of the Ministry of Justice]Hu Xieqing 胡燮卿2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
124Bo'an chengbian 駁案成編 [A Compilation of Rejected Cases]Hong Bin 洪彬2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
125Bo'an huibian 駁案彙編 [A Combined Collection of Rejected Cases]Zhu Meichen 朱梅臣2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
126Bo'an xubian 駁案續編 [A Further Collection of Rejected Cases]Sang Cunrong 桑春榮2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
127Chao Ben lüli guan shuo tie 抄本例律館說帖2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
128Cheng'an beikao 成案備考 [Reference Materials on Leading Cases]1808Shen Tingying 沈廷瑛2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
129Jia Jian cheng'an xinbian 加減成案新編 [New Compilation of Leading Cases Concerning Increases and Reductions of Sentences]Li Fengchen 李逢辰2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
130Cheng An zhiyi 成案質疑殘一卷 [Inquiring about Doubtful Points in Leading Cases— single remaining chapter]1746Hong Hongxu 洪弘續, Rao Han 饒翰2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
131Xuzeng boan xinbian 續增駁案新編Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
132Yuedong cheng’an chubian 粵東成案初編 [A preliminary edition of leading cases from Guangdong]1828Zhu yun 朱枟 (comp.)2.3 Judicial cases: historical casebooks
133Shuotie bianli xinbian 說帖辯例新編 [A New Collection of Memoranda Discussing the Substatutes]Wang Jinzhi 汪進之2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
134Cheng An xinbian erji 成案新編二集 [A New Compilation of Leading Cases, Second Series]Min Wobei 閔我備2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
135Xingbu shuotie 刑部說帖 [Memoranda from the Ministry of Justice]Anonymous 軼名2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
142Houjian lu 後鑒錄Mao Qiling 毛奇齡2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
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