13 documents
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Unless otherwise specified, the descriptions of sources in this section are extracted from Pierre-Etienne Will and collaborators, Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography, 2 vols., Leiden: Brill, 2020
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ID Title Year Author Topic 
644Sanfasi heni juzou 三法司核擬具奏(Memorials of sentences checked by the Three courts)(6)17602.4 Judicial cases: archives
640Sanfasi heni juzou 三法司核擬具奏 (Memorials of sentences checked by the Three courts) (2)17592.4 Judicial cases: archives
639Sanfasi heni juzou 三法司核擬具奏 (Memorials of sentences checked by the Three courts) (1)17352.4 Judicial cases: archives
51Sanyi zhilue 三邑治略 [A Brief Account of Governance in Three Counties]Xiong bin 熊賓2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
299Shanxi qiushen bangshi 陝西秋審榜示2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
150Shi Yi beikao 拾遺備考[Cases left over — from the Xing'an huilan]2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
133Shuotie bianli xinbian 說帖辯例新編 [A New Collection of Memoranda Discussing the Substatutes]Wang Jinzhi 汪進之2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
284Shuotie leibian 說帖類編 [A Classified Collection of Ministry Memoranda]Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
120Shuotie 說帖 [Ministry Memoranda]0Anonymous2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
147Shuzui chu didang 贖罪處底檔[Archives of the redemptions of criminal and administrative punishments]2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
78Sichuan difang sifa dang'an 四川地方司法檔案Anonymous2.2 Judicial cases: Local casebooks
84Sixi zhai jueshi 四西齋決事 [Decisions from the Four-West Studio]Sun Dinglie 孫鼎烈 2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
285Suojian ji 所見集 [A Collection (of Leading Cases) That I Have Consulted]1781Ma Shilin 馬世璘 (comp.)2.1 Judicial cases: general casebooks
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