Post by J. Bourgon on 2013-06-10 07:41:44

General Glossary

Article 1a-五刑 and 1b-五刑-贖刑

Article 25 Fanzui zishou 犯罪自首, with our French translation, the English translation of the statute from the Qing Code (Jones) and from the Ming code (Jiang Yonglin), cases from the Xing'an huilan, translation of appended sub-statutes in the Ming code by Jiang Yonglin (unpublished). And a spectacular example of transmogrification of a same tiaoli through times.

Article 32 Qinshu xiangwei rongyin 親屬相為容隱, translation of the statute and sub-statute, with an additional sub-statute, case of the Bo'an xinbian; and an essay on legal comparatism on "surrender" by Frédéric Constant.

Article 337 Ganming fanyi 干名犯義 Translation of the statute and sub-statutes (work in progress!), an essay on the relationship between statute 337, 25 and 32; and cases from the Xing'an huilan and from the Boan xinbian

Article 393 Zhiqing zangni zuiren 知情藏匿罪人 translation of the statute, and of the sub-statutes.

Article 412 Jianyan shishang bu yi shi 檢驗屍傷不以實 translation of the statute, of the sub-statutes included in 1740 Da Qing lüli, and of the sub-statutes codified in subsequent editions of the Da Qing lüli, and English translations by Pierre-Étienne Will.

Article 415 Duanzui yin lüling 斷罪引律令, translation and original text from on line edition of the Duli cunyi (Terada ed.)

Essays on two basic legal terms sparing punishments to a suspect: wulun 無論 and mianzui 免罪




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