門第十一 | Duanyu 斷獄 (Judgment and Imprisonment)
律/lü 419 | Qiu yingjin er bujin 囚應禁而不禁 (Not Imprisoning Criminals Who Should Be Imprisoned)
律/lü 420 | Gujin gukan pingren 故禁故勘平人 (Deliberately Imprisoning or Interrogating Innocent Persons)
律/lü 421 | Yanjin 淹禁 (Prolonging Imprisonment)
律/lü 422 | Lingnüe zuiqiu 凌虐罪囚 (Mistreating Prisoners)
律/lü 423 | Yuqiu jinren jietuo 與囚金刃解脫 (Giving Prisoners Edged Metal Tools That Can Be Used to Free Themselves)
律/lü 424 | Zhushou jiaoqiu fanyi 主守教囚反異 (Custodians Instructing Prisoners to Contradict Their Confessions)
律/lü 425 | Yuqiu yiliang 獄囚衣糧 (Prisoners' Clothing and Food)
律/lü 426 | Gongchen yingjin qinren rushi 功臣應禁親人入視 (When Meritorious Officials Are Imprisoned, Their Relatives May Visit Them)
律/lü 427 | Siqiu lingren zisha 死囚令人自殺 (Prisoners Sentenced to Death Ordering Others to Kill Them)
律/lü 428 | Laoyou bu kaoxun 老幼不拷訊 (Old and Young Persons Are Not Put to Judicial Torture)
律/lü 429 | Juyu tingqiu daidui 鞫獄停囚待對 (Detaining Prisoners during Interrogations to Wait for Direct Confrontation)
律/lü 430 | Yi gaozhuang juyu 依告狀鞫獄 (Judging Cases in Accordance with the Specifications in the Complaints)
律/lü 431 | Yuangaoren shibi bu fanghui 原告人事畢不放回 (Complainants Not Being Released After the Trial Is Completed)
律/lü 432 | Yuqiu wuzhi pingren 獄囚誣指平人 (Prisoners Falsely Accusing Innocent Persons)
律/lü 433 | Guansi churu renzui 官司出入人罪 (Officials Exonerating the Guilty or Implicating the Innocent)
律/lü 434 | Bianming yuanwang 辨明寃枉 (Reversing Unjust Judgments)
律/lü 435 | Yousi jueqiu dengdi 有司決囚等第 (The Degrees of Competence of Officials Having Jurisdiction for Executing [Sentences] of Prisoners)
律/lü 436 | Jianyan shishang bu yishi 檢驗屍傷不以實 (Examining Wounds on Corpses and Making Untrue Reports)
律/lü 437 | Juefa bu rufa 決罰不如法 (Administering Penalties Not in Accordance with the Law)
律/lü 438 | Zhangguan shiren youfan 長官使人有犯 (Head Officials or Emissaries Committing Offenses)
律/lü 439 | Duanzui yin lüling 斷罪引律令 (Citing the Code and the Commandment in Deciding Penalties)
律/lü 440 | Yuqiu qu fubian 獄囚取服辯 (Obtaining Prisoners' Acceptance of Punishment or Petition for Revision)
律/lü 441 | Sheqian duanzui budang 赦前斷罪不當 (Incorrectly Deciding Penalties before Amnesties)
律/lü 442 | Wenyou enshe er gufan 聞有恩赦而故犯 (Hearing That There Will Be Amnesties and Deliberately Committing Crimes)
律/lü 443 | Tuqiu bu yingyi 徒囚不應役 (Prisoners Sentenced to Penal Servitude Failing to Perform Labor Services)
律/lü 444 | Furen fanzui 婦人犯罪 (Women Committing Crimes)
律/lü 445 | Siqiu fuzou daibao 死囚覆奏待報 (Awaiting Replies to Memorials concerning Prisoners Sentenced to Death)
律/lü 446 | Duanzui budang 斷罪不當 (Deciding Penalties Incorrectly)
律/lü 447 | Lidian daixie zhaocao 吏典代寫招草 (Functionaries Writing Confessions for [the Accused])
[view entire text]
Table of content
Xu 序
Zongmu yu mulu 總目與目錄
Banben ximu 版本細目
Zhutu 諸圖
Sangfu zhidu 喪服制度
Fulu 附錄
Zhengwen 正文
第一部 | Mingli lü 名例律
第二部 | Li lü 吏律
第三部 | Hu lü 戶律
第四部 | Li lü 禮律
第五部 | Bing lü 兵律
第六部 | Xing lü 刑律
第七部 | Gong lü 工律
→ propername
→ bookname
→ personname
Resources on Chinese legal tradition
All documents
Codes and commentaries
Judicial cases : general, local, historical, archival.
Regulations collections : general, local.
legal handbooks : for magistrate, for legal advisers, for pettifoggers.
Resources on other Asian legal traditions
Exile maps
Lingchi sentences
Regional special law
Ming and Qing codes with translations
Ming Code
Da Ming lü jijie fuli 1610 /all
Qing Code
Da Qing lü jijie fuli 1646 /all
Xingbu xianxing zeli 1680 /all
Da Qing lüli 1740 /all
Da Qing lüli 1871 /all
Huidian shili-Xingbu part 1899 /all
Da Qing lüli-Duli cunyi 1905 /all
Virtual Synoptical Code
overview | code
Mongolian code
1667, 1695, 1749, 1764, 1766, 1774, 1789
Judicial cases data
Case Location (place)
Seminars & workshops
Paris EHESS seminar
Legal studies 2022/2023
Legal studies 2021/2022
Legal studies 2020/2021
Legal studies 2019/2020
Legal studies 2018/2019
Legal studies 2017/2018
Legal studies 2016/2017
Legal studies 2015/2016
Legal studies 2014/2015
Legal studies 2013/2014
Legal studies 2012/2013
Legal studies 2011/2012
Household and Obligations” Translation Workshop
Procedure Law, Evidence and the Practice of Torture
Da Qing lüli Household part (大清律例,户部)
From Code to Cases and reversely