Da Ming lü jijie fuli 大明律集解附例 (1610)

門第十一 | Duanyu 斷獄 (Judgment and Imprisonment)

律/lü 419 | Qiu yingjin er bujin 囚應禁而不禁 (Not Imprisoning Criminals Who Should Be Imprisoned)

律/lü 420 | Gujin gukan pingren 故禁故勘平人 (Deliberately Imprisoning or Interrogating Innocent Persons)

律/lü 421 | Yanjin 淹禁 (Prolonging Imprisonment)

律/lü 422 | Lingnüe zuiqiu 凌虐罪囚 (Mistreating Prisoners)

律/lü 423 | Yuqiu jinren jietuo 與囚金刃解脫 (Giving Prisoners Edged Metal Tools That Can Be Used to Free Themselves)

律/lü 424 | Zhushou jiaoqiu fanyi 主守教囚反異 (Custodians Instructing Prisoners to Contradict Their Confessions)

律/lü 425 | Yuqiu yiliang 獄囚衣糧 (Prisoners' Clothing and Food)

律/lü 426 | Gongchen yingjin qinren rushi 功臣應禁親人入視 (When Meritorious Officials Are Imprisoned, Their Relatives May Visit Them)

律/lü 427 | Siqiu lingren zisha 死囚令人自殺 (Prisoners Sentenced to Death Ordering Others to Kill Them)

律/lü 428 | Laoyou bu kaoxun 老幼不拷訊 (Old and Young Persons Are Not Put to Judicial Torture)

律/lü 429 | Juyu tingqiu daidui 鞫獄停囚待對 (Detaining Prisoners during Interrogations to Wait for Direct Confrontation)

律/lü 430 | Yi gaozhuang juyu 依告狀鞫獄 (Judging Cases in Accordance with the Specifications in the Complaints)

律/lü 431 | Yuangaoren shibi bu fanghui 原告人事畢不放回 (Complainants Not Being Released After the Trial Is Completed)

律/lü 432 | Yuqiu wuzhi pingren 獄囚誣指平人 (Prisoners Falsely Accusing Innocent Persons)

律/lü 433 | Guansi churu renzui 官司出入人罪 (Officials Exonerating the Guilty or Implicating the Innocent)

律/lü 434 | Bianming yuanwang 辨明寃枉 (Reversing Unjust Judgments)

律/lü 435 | Yousi jueqiu dengdi 有司決囚等第 (The Degrees of Competence of Officials Having Jurisdiction for Executing [Sentences] of Prisoners)

律/lü 436 | Jianyan shishang bu yishi 檢驗屍傷不以實 (Examining Wounds on Corpses and Making Untrue Reports)

律/lü 437 | Juefa bu rufa 決罰不如法 (Administering Penalties Not in Accordance with the Law)

律/lü 438 | Zhangguan shiren youfan 長官使人有犯 (Head Officials or Emissaries Committing Offenses)

律/lü 439 | Duanzui yin lüling 斷罪引律令 (Citing the Code and the Commandment in Deciding Penalties)

律/lü 440 | Yuqiu qu fubian 獄囚取服辯 (Obtaining Prisoners' Acceptance of Punishment or Petition for Revision)

律/lü 441 | Sheqian duanzui budang 赦前斷罪不當 (Incorrectly Deciding Penalties before Amnesties)

律/lü 442 | Wenyou enshe er gufan 聞有恩赦而故犯 (Hearing That There Will Be Amnesties and Deliberately Committing Crimes)

律/lü 443 | Tuqiu bu yingyi 徒囚不應役 (Prisoners Sentenced to Penal Servitude Failing to Perform Labor Services)

律/lü 444 | Furen fanzui 婦人犯罪 (Women Committing Crimes)

律/lü 445 | Siqiu fuzou daibao 死囚覆奏待報 (Awaiting Replies to Memorials concerning Prisoners Sentenced to Death)

律/lü 446 | Duanzui budang 斷罪不當 (Deciding Penalties Incorrectly)

律/lü 447 | Lidian daixie zhaocao 吏典代寫招草 (Functionaries Writing Confessions for [the Accused])

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Table of content


Xu 序

Zongmu yu mulu 總目與目錄

Banben ximu 版本細目

Zhutu 諸圖

Sangfu zhidu 喪服制度

Fulu 附錄

Zhengwen 正文

第一部 | Mingli lü 名例律

第二部 | Li lü 吏律

第三部 | Hu lü 戶律

第四部 | Li lü 禮律

第五部 | Bing lü 兵律

第六部 | Xing lü 刑律

第七部 | Gong lü 工律



