門第一 | Zeidao 賊盜 (Violence and Robbery)
律/lü 277 | Moufan dani 謀反大逆 (Plotting Rebellion and Great Sedition)
律/lü 278 | Moupan 謀叛 (Plotting Treason)
律/lü 279 | Zao yaoshu yaoyan 造妖書妖言 (Making Magical Inscriptions and Magical Incantations)
律/lü 280 | Dao dasi shenyuwu 盜大祀神御物 (Stealing Sacred Objects of the Spirits Devoted to the Great Sacrifices)
律/lü 281 | Dao zhishu 盜制書 (Stealing Imperial Decrees)
律/lü 282 | Dao yinxin 盜印信 (Stealing Seals)
律/lü 283 | Dao neifu caiwu 盜內府財物 (Stealing Property from the Palace Treasury)
律/lü 284 | Dao chengmen yao 盜城門鑰 (Stealing Keys to City Gates)
律/lü 285 | Dao junqi 盜軍器 (Stealing Military Equipment)
律/lü 286 | Dao yuanling shumu 盜園陵樹木 (Stealing Plants or Trees within the Imperial Mausoleum)
律/lü 287 | Jianshou zidao cangku qianliang 監守自盜倉庫錢糧 (Supervisors or Custodians Themselves Stealing Money or Grain from Granaries or Treasuries)
律/lü 288 | Changren dao cangku qianliang 常人盜倉庫錢糧 (Ordinary Persons Stealing Money or Grain from Granaries or Treasuries)
律/lü 289 | Qiangdao 強盜 (Forcible Robbery)
律/lü 290 | Jieqiu 劫囚 (Rescuing Prisoners by Force)
律/lü 291 | Baizhou qiangduo 白晝搶奪 (Forcibly Taking in Daytime)
律/lü 292 | Qiedao 竊盜 (Theft)
律/lü 293 | Dao maniu chuchan 盜馬牛畜產 (Stealing Horses, Cattle and Other Livestock)
律/lü 294 | Dao tianye gumai 盜田野穀麥 (Stealing Rice and Wheat from Fields)
律/lü 295 | Qinshu xiangdao 親屬相盜 (Relatives Stealing from Each Other)
律/lü 296 | Konghe qucai 恐嚇取財 (Obtaining Property by Threats)
律/lü 297 | Zhaqi guansi qucai 詐欺官私取財 (Obtaining Government or Private Property by Deceit or Cheating)
律/lü 298 | Lüeren lüemairen 略人略賣人 (Kidnapping Persons or Kidnapping and Selling Persons)
律/lü 299 | Fazhong 發塚 (Uncovering Graves)
律/lü 300 | Ye wugu ru renjia 夜無故入人家 (Entering Others' Houses at Night without Reason)
律/lü 301 | Daozei wozhu 盜賊窩主 (The Harborers of Thieves and Robbers)
律/lü 302 | Gongmou weidao 共謀為盜 (Jointly Plotting to Commit Robbery)
律/lü 303 | Gongqu qiequ jiewei dao 公取竊取皆為盜 (Taking Goods Openly or Secretly Each Constitutes Robbery)
律/lü 304 | Qichu cizi 起除刺字 (Removing Tattoos)
[view entire text]
Table of content
Xu 序
Zongmu yu mulu 總目與目錄
Banben ximu 版本細目
Zhutu 諸圖
Sangfu zhidu 喪服制度
Fulu 附錄
Zhengwen 正文
第一部 | Mingli lü 名例律
第二部 | Li lü 吏律
第三部 | Hu lü 戶律
第四部 | Li lü 禮律
第五部 | Bing lü 兵律
第六部 | Xing lü 刑律
第七部 | Gong lü 工律
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