門第一 | Mingli lü 名例律 (Laws on Punishments and General Principles)
律/lü 1 | Wuxing 五刑 (The Five Punishments)
律/lü 2 | Shi'e 十惡 (The Ten Abominations)
律/lü 3 | Bayi 八議 (The Eight Deliberations)
律/lü 4 | Yingyizhe fanzui 應議者犯罪 (Committing Crimes by Those Entitled to the Eight Deliberations)
律/lü 5 | Zhiguan youfan 職官有犯 (Committing Crimes by Officials)
律/lü 6 | Junguan youfan 軍官有犯 (Committing Crimes by Military Officers)
律/lü 7 | Wenwuguan fan gongzui 文武官犯公罪 (Committing Public Crimes by Civil or Military Officials)
律/lü 8 | Wenwuguan fan sizui 文武官犯私罪 (Committing Private Crimes by Civil or Military Officials)
律/lü 9 | Yingyizhe zhi fuzu youfan 應議者之父祖有犯 (Committing Crimes by the Parents or Paternal Grandparents of Those Entitled to the Eight Deliberations)
律/lü 10 | Junguan junren fanzui mian tuliu 軍官軍人犯罪免徒流 (Committing Crimes by Military Officers or Soldiers Who Shall Be Exempted from Penal Servitude or Life Exile)
律/lü 11 | Fanzui de leijian 犯罪得累減 (Committing Crimes for Which Penalties May Be Cumulatively Reduced)
律/lü 12 | Yili quguan 以理去官 (Leaving Offices for Legitimate Reasons)
律/lü 13 | Wuguan fanzui 無官犯罪 (Committing Crimes by Those Who Have Not Yet Become Officials)
律/lü 14 | Chuming dangchai 除名當差 (Disenrollment and Labor Service)
律/lü 15 | Liuqiu jiashu 流囚家屬 (Families of Those Punished by Life Exile)
律/lü 16 | Chengshe suo buyuan 常赦所不原 (Crimes That Shall Not Be Pardoned under the General Amnesty)
律/lü 17 | Tuliuren zaidao huishe 徒流人在道會赦 (Those Punished by Penal Servitude or Life Exile Are En Route When the Amnesty Is Proclaimed)
律/lü 18 | Fanzui cunliu yangqin 犯罪存留養親 (Committing Crimes and Remaining at Home to Care for Relatives)
律/lü 19 | Gongyuehu ji furen fanzui 工樂戶及婦人犯罪 (Committing Crimes by Government Artisans, Musicians, and Women)
律/lü 20 | Tuliuren you fanzui 徒流人又犯罪 (Committing Crimes Again by Those Punished by Penal Servitude or Life Exile)
律/lü 21 | Laoxiao feiji shoushu 老小廢疾收贖 (Redeeming Punishment by Those Who Are Aged, Juvenile, or Disabled)
律/lü 22 | Fanzui shi wei laoji 犯罪時未老疾 (Committing Crimes before Becoming Aged or Maimed)
律/lü 23 | Jimo zangwu 給沒贓物 (Restitution and Confiscation of Illicit Goods)
律/lü 24 | Fanzui zishou 犯罪自首 (Voluntary Confession of Crimes)
律/lü 25 | Erzui jufa yi zhong lun 二罪俱發以重論 (Sentencing on the Basis of the Punishment for the More Serious Crime When Two Crimes Are Discovered Together)
律/lü 26 | Fanzui gongtao 犯罪共逃 (Fleeing Together after Committing Crimes)
律/lü 27 | Tongliao fan gongzui 同僚犯公罪 (Committing Public Crimes by Those in the Same Office)
律/lü 28 | Gongshi shicuo 公事失錯 (Making Errors in Public Matters)
律/lü 29 | Gong fanzui fen shoucong 共犯罪分首從 (Distinguishing Principals and Accessories in Joint Crimes)
律/lü 30 | Fanzui shifa zaitao 犯罪事發在逃 (Fleeing When Crimes Are Discovered)
律/lü 31 | Qinshu xiangwei rongyin 親屬相為容隱 (Mutual Concealment by Relatives)
律/lü 32 | Lizu fan sizui 吏卒犯死罪 (Committing Capital Crimes by Functionaries)
律/lü 33 | Chujue panjun 處決叛軍 (Executing Military Personnel Guilty of Treason)
律/lü 34 | Shahai junren 殺害軍人 (Killing Military Personnel)
律/lü 35 | Zaijing fanzui junmin 在京犯罪軍民 (Military Personnel and Civilians Residing in the Capital Who Commit Crimes)
律/lü 36 | Huawairen youfan 化外人有犯 (Committing Crimes by Persons beyond the Pale of Civilization)
律/lü 37 | Bentiao bieyou zuiming 本條別有罪名 (Specific Articles Having Different Regulations for Punishment)
律/lü 38 | Jiajian zuili 加減罪例 (Principles for Increasing and Reducing Punishments)
律/lü 39 | Cheng chengyu chejia 稱乘輿車駕 (The Terms "Sedan Chair" and "Carriage")
律/lü 40 | Cheng jiqin zufumu 稱期親祖父母 (The Terms "Relatives of Mourning for One Year" and "Paternal Grandparents")
律/lü 41 | Cheng yu tongzui 稱與同罪 (The Term "Shall Be Punished by the Same Penalty")
律/lü 42 | Cheng jialin zhushou 稱監臨主守 (The Terms "Supervisors" and "Custodians")
律/lü 43 | Cheng rizhe yi baike 稱日者以百刻 (The Term "Day" as Being One Hundred Units)
律/lü 44 | Cheng daoshi nüguan 稱道士女冠 (The Terms "Daoist Priests" and "Daoist Nuns")
律/lü 45 | Duanzui yi xinban lü 斷罪依新頒律 (Deciding Penalties in Accordance with the Newly Promulgated Code)
律/lü 46 | Duanzui wu zhengtiao 斷罪無正條 (Deciding Cases without Specific Articles)
律/lü 47 | Tuliu qianxi difang 徒流遷徙地方 (Places for Penal Servitude, Life Exile, and Banishment)
[view entire text]
Table of content
Xu 序
Zongmu yu mulu 總目與目錄
Banben ximu 版本細目
Zhutu 諸圖
Sangfu zhidu 喪服制度
Fulu 附錄
Zhengwen 正文
第一部 | Mingli lü 名例律
第二部 | Li lü 吏律
第三部 | Hu lü 戶律
第四部 | Li lü 禮律
第五部 | Bing lü 兵律
第六部 | Xing lü 刑律
第七部 | Gong lü 工律
→ propername
→ bookname
→ personname
Resources on Chinese legal tradition
All documents
Codes and commentaries
Judicial cases : general, local, historical, archival.
Regulations collections : general, local.
legal handbooks : for magistrate, for legal advisers, for pettifoggers.
Resources on other Asian legal traditions
Exile maps
Lingchi sentences
Regional special law
Ming and Qing codes with translations
Ming Code
Da Ming lü jijie fuli 1610 /all
Qing Code
Da Qing lü jijie fuli 1646 /all
Xingbu xianxing zeli 1680 /all
Da Qing lüli 1740 /all
Da Qing lüli 1871 /all
Huidian shili-Xingbu part 1899 /all
Da Qing lüli-Duli cunyi 1905 /all
Virtual Synoptical Code
overview | code
Mongolian code
1667, 1695, 1749, 1764, 1766, 1774, 1789
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Seminars & workshops
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Legal studies 2018/2019
Legal studies 2017/2018
Legal studies 2016/2017
Legal studies 2015/2016
Legal studies 2014/2015
Legal studies 2013/2014
Legal studies 2012/2013
Legal studies 2011/2012
Household and Obligations” Translation Workshop
Procedure Law, Evidence and the Practice of Torture
Da Qing lüli Household part (大清律例,户部)
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